Monday, August 12, 2013

Ten things I know to be true (now that I have a child with cancer)...

1.) People are inherently (:involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : intrinsic <risks inherent in the venture>— in·her·ent·ly adverb) GOOD. We are humans with different points of views, morals, beliefs, ideas, but are more alike than different.
2.) Nothing that you thought was a big deal actually was. Like the book says... Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small. Sure there will be a few big things but 99% will actually be the small stuff. Don't worry about it, it's actually not important.
3.) Life is really not as hard as you think it is! See #2. Hard is not your kids doing normal kid stuff, your phone falling in the ocean or toilet, working long hours, etc.
4.) Don't waste your time complaining...
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."-Maya Angelou
5.) Spend way MORE time telling people what is good, great, or amazing about them. Let human flaws go.
6.) Focus on the good, you will be a better person.
7.) Be GRATEFUL, not entitled!
8.) Laugh! A lot. Often. Hard. 99% more than you cry.
9.) Cherish your children. Enjoy them. Build them up. Hug them.
10.) Pray, play, and eat as a family at least once a day.


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